Friday, February 17, 2012

Dalina Castellanos

Ay yay yay, what a year! Let's break it down chronologically, shall we?

January: I was stuck in snow on the rez and frantically finishing my application to MetPro. I literally threw the application packet into the mail (my car was a little too far from the post office drop box) and drove away with my fingers crossed. Off to a rough start, but it can only get better, right?

February: More snow. Amanda came to visit. We made pizza and went sledding. Best. Month. Evar.

March: On a codeine-infused cough syrup-induced trip to New York, I found out I was a finalist for MetPro. Bronchitis aside, I ran around the freezing streets of the Big Apple with a huge smile on my face. Then panic set in. What if my cell cut off during the phone interview? The reservation was awesome at cutting all my phone conversations short. What could I do? Go to a sweat lodge ceremony to try and settle my fears. Best. Month. Evar.

April: I went to a Black Keys concert in Phoenix and got in to MetPro. Best. Month. Evar.

May: Veronica and her fancy Victor came to visit. We were almost thrust into Canyon de Chelly by some pretty harsh winds, so we went home and made pizza. Best. Month. Evar.

Summer was a blur. I'm pretty sure it was awesome. I quit my job in August and started packing for the move out west. Er, more west. Amanda came to visit again and we went hiking. No pizza, but we made pretzels.

September: Settled in to my new place with Veronica, Stephen, Cindy and Troy's gracious help. By help, I mean trips to restaurants and karaoke bars. Started work with other NYSJI alums and made fast friends with the people at the cafeteria. Best. Month. Evar? Oh yes my friends.

October: Dressed up as the Red Fraggle for Halloween. Ate a bacon-wrapped hot dog at least once a week. Still goin' strong, 2011...

November: Celebrated Cindy's bizurthday and went with her to the Grauman's Chinese Theater where we saw Pedro Almodovar in person. (Side note: I love this town.) Helped with Black Friday coverage for the LA Times hours after I finished my delightful Thanksgiving meal. Stepped into the Walmart where the now-unfortunately-famous pepper spraying incident happened and tried to interview people. They had no idea what had happened. Always fun being a reporter, isn't it?

December: Met up with Cindy, Lauri and Stephen for drinks. (WHY DON'T MORE OF YOU LIVE IN THE AREA?) Bought a tree yesterday and I'm hoping my little turd-nugget of a dog won't knock it down.

Best. Year. Evar.

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