Friday, February 17, 2012

Stephen Ceasar

Hello everybody,

First of all, lets give our life recap blog organizer Jamie Klein a round of applause. You'd think we all would be better about turning stuff in on time, but we're not. Still, she puts this all together.

So since last time I wrote one of these, I was hired as a full-time staffer at the Los Angeles Times after finishing the Metpro training program. After I was kept on, I was placed on the National desk. I was able to go on a few reporting trips out of state, including a week on the Navajo Nation to write about a rise in HIV diagnoses. I was able to hang out with Dalina, who was living there at the time. But now Dalina lives in Hollywood (5 minutes away from me) after being accepted in this years Metro class. yay!

The past year and half or so in LA have been wonderful. Its such a weird, beautiful place to live. For example, here is a tweet that I tweeted on my twitter after a Saturday shift at our offices in downtown LA.

"Within 2 mins of leaving work I see a teenager with a furry tail coming out of his jeans, a lady pooping in the crosswalk and a quincenera."

At about the same time Dalina was moving here, Troy and Veronica came to visit. As if you didn't already know, Dalina, Troy, Cindy and I went karaoking. Is that a word? But to put a twist to Troy's 5,969 trip to a karaoke bar, we went to a Spanish one. Sadly, there is no video of my rousing rendition of the Mexican dance hit "Mayonesa." But I'm pretty sure the Mexican mafioso seated at a nearby booth was impressed at how I could carry a kumbia.

Anyway, I'm switching over to the Metro desk in January to join the Education team. I'm pretty hyped for the move. Miss you all and I think we can all agree that it's pretty trippy that its been two years since Tucson. Take care.


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